Becoming Sepsis SMART:

A Comprehensive Learning Module

Developed by the team at Sepsis Canada's 'Creating a Culture of Sepsis Awareness Through Advocacy, Health Literacy, and Knowledge Transfer,' led by Dr. Jeanna Parsons Leigh and Dr. Kirsten Fiest, our interactive learning module is designed to provide you with essential knowledge for recognizing the key signs of sepsis.

S - Skin Changes: Learn how to identify pale or discoloured skin and excessive sweating.

M - Mental Confusion: Understand the indicators of confusion, dizziness, and disorientation.

A - Abnormal Vital Signs: Gain insights into recognizing changes in respiratory rate and body temperature, such as rapid breathing, fever, and chills.

R - Rapid Heart Rate: Discover the significance of a heart beating faster than normal.

T - Trouble Breathing: Explore the nuances of breathing difficulties and shortness of breath.

This module equips you with the knowledge necessary to safeguard your health and that of others.


The team is very interested to receive feedback on the interactive module.  There is a short, feedback form that you can complete anonymously via the following link (English).